
my 28+ days of sun and sand, part I

Life's been pretty much as fast-paced as I could imagine it to be these past few weeks. After 10+ days with Stef and Ethan in Pennsylvania, I headed down to Tennessee --> Florida --> Tennessee again --> North Carolina with them. [Let's just say, that if they aren't incredibly tired of seeing my face once again this morning, I'll take it that we're best friends for life. ;D

We went swimming.
Hiked mountains.
Witnessed weddings on the beach.
Tried new coffee.
Took pictures [you'll be pleased to know that I actually used my camera some of the time and not just instagram. ;) ]
Painted henna.
Walked [and ran] countless miles on the beach.
Got ourselves some pretty little tans [and sunburns, ahem].
Planned parties.
Admired surfers and kite-boarders.
Consumed entirely too much Starbucks [how does that always seem to happen??].
Oh, and I almost broke my front tooth, but ended up only chipping it a little instead. True, true story. It's kind of sharp now. :)

"I believe in memories //
they look so pretty when I sleep."
|| Jack Johnson, Better Together




These are just a tiny handful of memories to hopefully suffice until I take the time to actually do something with the rest of my pictures. :)


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