

I worked today from 8am-2:30pm...and then came home to paint. Joy! I painted the ceiling in our entry-room [you wouldn't have believed how disgusting the ceiling looked...without fresh, white paint to compare it to, it didn't really look too awful bad, but after I started painting, it made all the difference in the world!]. It was neck-breaking, muscle-aching work...but it's done! And it brightened up the room soooo much!

I've soooo been loving Kinfolk lately. It's lovely. And simple. And exactly how I'd love for my life to be defined. The magazine's expensive, but you can read their journal online... In their own words, Kinfolk is "a growing community of artists with a shared interest in small gatherings. We recognize that there is something about a table shared by friends, not just a wedding or once-a-year holiday extravaganza, that anchors our relationships and energizes us. We have come together to create Kinfolk as our collaborative way of advocating the natural approach to entertaining that we love. Every element of Kinfolk--the features, photography, and general aesthetics--are consistent with the way we feel entertaining should be: simple, uncomplicated, and less contrived. Kinfolk is the marriage of our appreciation for art and design and our love for spending time with family and friends."

Beautiful, isn't it?


♥, Sara

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